And just like that the three days we have been waiting for come to an end. The memories we built in those days will last us a lifetime; I know it will for me. Hopefully, you all took the time to be hydrated and get some well-needed sleep after partying the nights away.

Episode 6: The Whale Temple pt.2 & Epilogue
The crew of pirates guided by their captain are on course to the whale temple and what lies beyond. Unknown to them they will have extra help with guiding them in the form of two Azurian companions named Sharky and Hidey. They were previously Sly’s companions on his missions to help the Azurians with their goal of saving all oceanic animals by cleaning the oceans. Sharky and Hidey, fated to help Sly in his missions, were chosen by the Azurian Ancients to help the pirates into Azuria. Landing on the shores of Azuria they are amazed at the beautiful scenery. As they explore the sandy beaches, they are found by Sly’s crew of friends. Surprised by each other’s presence they are afraid to come close to one another but with the help of Sharky, they come together hand in hand.
In the background, Sly's plan was going exactly as intended with him being the one that had broke the whale spire. He never intended though that either his friends would come out to find him or that his ancestor, Captain Sylvester Shadows, would be there. Sly saw this as an opportunity to get them all together as they needed to free the whales trapped under The Prince's temple. Distracting the Prince was a must for the plan to carry on and to do so, Sly chose to break one of the whale spires’ crystals which he knew would get the attention of the Prince. The Prince was an evil Azurian who wanted the power of Azuria all to himself. Using whales to extract the purple essence that they generated. These are used to keep the crystals above the spires working which in turn keeps the portals working that are all over the island. Usually, the Azurians would only take these essence in an ethical way, but with this prince being the next in power he saw the essence as an upper hand to get what he wanted: to control all oceans in the universe. In the meantime, Sly and his old and new friends began to hatch a plan to foil the Prince once and for all.

Writer's Note
We appreciate all the love and support each one of you has given to the crew of amazingly talented people. From our Moderation, Production, Promotion, Live Performance, and World Dev Crew all these people have worked extensively to give all Sly Fest new and old partygoers the experience of a lifetime. Also, a huge thanks to all the DJs who performed this year and in previous years.
The memories of this Sly Fest were ones that will be with me for a long time. I’ve been able to work with some amazingly talented people I call my friends. The words to explain my experience with Sly Fest are lost in the sheer delight I have felt over these few months. At that last show on the last day surrounded by these amazing people, I was so grateful to get to know them, I realized that after this it will be done; all those tiresome nights will be in the past. Though a wave of sadness came over me I was able to say that I was a part of the Sly Fest crew.
Thank you all for reading my posts and I appreciate all the support. -CheyChy
Sly's Note
Thank you above to CheyChy for being our blog writer this year! It's been a great pleasure. Below, I'd like to summarize my feelings about Sly Fest and to give my closing statements about the festival before we take a break (starting next year). - - For everyone who has come to Sly Fest these past 3 years, THANK YOU. It has been a wild journey with each festival we've hosted. This year presented plenty of challenges, but we were able to conquer each hurdle together! Here, I'd like to thank all the crews for everything they've done these past few years! - Moderation Crew: you all have done a fantastic job at moderating instances, our discord, twitter, and all encompassing media. I also thank you for being there being able to do QA & help with other extraneous tasks I may have asked you to do! You guys have effectively provided a safe space for our attendees and made the event as enjoyable as possible for everyone! You all rock and I hope you all continue to encourage others to be courteous for all events on VR! Things this year went very smoothly due to your diligence! - Promotion Crew: thank you for connecting Sly Fest to the world. We were able to see a growth in our social media presence, extend our outreach, create graphics, write blogs, translate, improve PR, and represent Sly Fest through our Ambassadors! The kind of connection we've made with people and being able to make it as relatable as possible; this is what brings people to Sly Fest and get them introduced. I am so glad with the turnout for this year and I'm really glad we were able to connect to everyone inside and outside of VRChat. - Production Crew: This year brought some incredibly fun moments for our photographers and videographers. To be part of my own written story and ideas, to have the ability to capture the special moments through each event; it's unforgettable. Through you guys we have the ability to look back on those moments and leave its imprint behind; to give a glimpse of our history and be able to share that with old and new friends. Each filming session and event was incredibly fun and enjoyable. You guys took so many amazing shots behind the scenes and during our events! Thank you. I am so grateful.
- Live Performance Crew: You all brought the heat to Sly Fest! (literally). There were so many amazing visuals, light shows, and performances that people will still talk about for years to come! It's crazy to think that everything you guys do in real life can translate into the VR Space in a way that seems impossible. You all made each show a dazzling display of your artistry and what it means to create meaningful and memorable performances. Thank you for pleasing our eyes and showcasing your art.
- World Dev Crew: We did it. From 2022, we were able to create over 8 WORLDS since the start of concepting the mythical world of Azuria! Each moment that I got to spend with you guys, hanging out and making my visions come to life; it was incredible. Together as a team we were able to make beautiful, functional worlds that thousands of people were able to witness and enjoy. Each late night call we've made to inch closer to completion; I grew excited more and more each time: to the point where we finish Quest and we could finally breathe. The amount of care given to the lore, the environment, the details; we were not only able to deliver, but you guys made Azuria real. Thank you for your hard work, passion, and artistry into Sly Fest. The worlds were beautiful, lore accurate, and incredibly fulfilling to create together as a team. - DJ's: If you hadn't been there, the event wouldn't exist! From the moment I started Sly Fest, I wanted to provide a platform where artists and performers were celebrated and validated for their music. From my own experience in the clubbing scene, I knew how fulfilling it was to be on stage and see people attend your set (even if it was a few set of friends just jamming out). I want Sly Fest to be a place to showcase your musical talent, and a place to jam out with your friends too! And I hope we were able to provide that for all of you involved. Everyone's performances were so fun and unique. Being able to listen to all sorts of new music that you guys create and play has always left me inspired! I have so much respect for all of you continuing to pursue music and share what you love. - Altogether, I'd like to give special thanks to the captains of this last and current year, (Constapatience, Swa, AyyyyRik, Duffquick, Wala, Seenic, Unomi, Chatmans, Mr.BlueBucket) for all their hard work in leading our crews! You guys did a fantastic job. I'm so proud of all of you. So there you have it guys, 20 events, 200+ DJ's, and a countless memories made all within 3 years. It's certainly a milestone to behold and I am so glad that we were able to continue creating these events for our Artists, for ourselves, and for you guys. Thank YOU for attending Sly Fest. Thank YOU for showing up to the earlier performances. Thank YOU for making the time to checking out something I hold so special and dearly to myself. I am astonished and overwhelmed with positive interactions that I've received from people that have attended our events. Sly Fest may be taking a temporary break, but we will be back. And when we are back, we'll be coming back stronger than ever. With Love, - Sly
